What Purposeful Passage Will Help You Achieve

If you are like me and millions of other people, you are here because you are lost and looking for some sort of purpose or meaning to it all.

You might often ask yourself questions like:

  • What am I currently doing with my life and why?
  • Am I doing this because I need to or because I want to?
  • Why do I sometimes not want to get out of bed?
  • Why was life so much easier 5, 10, 15 years ago? What has changed and why?
  • Why do I never accomplish the things I feel like I should or want to?

Do you show up to work every day and just get by? Do you do the minimum or at least what is required, go home, sit on the couch, watch TV, and then go to sleep? If so, your life is more than likely lacking in multiple areas.

The Good News!! And Why I Am Here

The great news is that you can get yourself out of this “slump” or “your current situation” and wake up with a purpose daily to achieve what you want the most in life.

I have been in this “slump” for a few years now, I go down a path to do something extra, earn some extra money, try a new hobby, etc. and end up doing all the up front work, get about 40%-60% complete and then give up. It is a lot of wasted energy and time. I have done this more times than I can even remember or count.

I would turn to different avenues trying to figure out the best and quickest way to make a buck, the best and quickest way to find myself quickly, not wanting to waste a bunch of time on me, because I had money I needed to make and “didn’t have enough time”.

Well, I am here to tell you, finding yourself and making that quick buck is not easy at all, but if you can do the work and find your true self first, you will save yourself a ton of time. You will effectively be able to put yourself into the work you’re doing and do it better than you have ever done anything before.

What I Have Done To Find Myself & Why I Decided to Start This Blog

Over the past 4 to 6 months, I have started investing more time in myself, my habits, and truly looking at myself. I have learned a lot and still have so much to learn.

I have read around 16 different books in this time regarding self-help, thinking and growing rich, motivation, etc. Throughout all of these books they all talk about how the first step is finding your desire and purpose, to then be able to maximize yourself and your life.

I am not an expert, just another common person. But I have been living this life of “lost/stuck” for a while now and finally found a way out and wish someone would’ve helped me find this a while ago, I just had no clue where to start.

Who Am I?

I am a 30-year old man who has an associates and bachelor’s degree. I work as a project manager for a General Contractor and am extremely fortunate to have the job I do. I can tell you, getting to this point 9-years ago when I finished my associate degree seemed like it would never happen and I had this “ceiling” that was put there by myself, what my family had accomplished to date, and what I thought I might be able to do.

The first ceiling I had in place for myself was graduating high school and college. Getting a degree seemed like something I would never be able to accomplish. Once I did get my AAS then my first professional job offer came in, which required me to move a couple hours away. I never thought I would leave my hometown because that is where all my family was and still are. I was an extremely shy person, with extremely low confidence, and zero self-assurance so this move was going to challenge me in every possible way. It did, and it has still to this day, but it has been the greatest decision I have made. That is what started me down the initial path and has now lead me here.

What Is the Main Goal of This Blog?

I would say first is that you are not alone, there is almost too much information out there anymore. Researching it all, developing a plan, schedule, goals, finding motivation, etc. be a daunting thing to take on, be efficient, and not give up.

The overall goal with this blog is to help people find themselves, true meaning, real purpose/desire, and reach your ultimate potential/maximum self (i.e. remove your ceilings).

I know some people think journaling will be a waste of time or they don’t have time for it, but I am here to tell you that with journaling it literally helps you “put things to paper”, you can analyze, reflect, and get out of your mind. You start to realize things about yourself and make connections you otherwise might have missed. Each week with the posts, there will be a couple of journal prompts. The purpose of these prompts is to get you thinking, out of your head, and to help you grow.

Just think what this world would look like if everyone was reaching for and achieving their best and maximum selves?

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