Define Your Purpose & What You Want to Achieve

In life, do you ever see yourself starting something, getting 40% – 60% of the way complete, and then never finishing. Do you tell yourself every Sunday, tomorrow I will get up at 5:00am, workout, eat breakfast, go to work, eat lunch from home, cook dinner, sit down and read, and not look at my phone? When Monday hits, the alarm clock goes off and you hit snooze, soon it is your normal wake-up time, you hit snooze again, you wake up late, don’t have time for breakfast, don’t make lunch, don’t take out anything for dinner, and go through the day disappointed with yourself. The worst part is you do this almost every Sunday and it never changes; you do the same thing letting yourself down again and again. Well, what I have found is the reason that I do this to myself, and why most people do too is due to a lack of purpose and no defined path.

It would be like getting in your car, starting to drive, and then going right back to your driveway because you had no purpose to leave, no reasoning behind it. That is what happens when you plan and don’t have any purpose behind it, you are wasting time, money, and are confused.


Some people in life know their life’s purpose at a very young age and some people go through life not having a single clue as to what their life purpose is or was. You see this sometimes, with kids graduating high school or college at a very young age and going right into a certain field, this is because they knew what they wanted and had a purpose. You also see it when people are breathing their last breath and say, I wish I would’ve accomplished “blank”.

If you are like me, you aren’t the one who knew their life’s purpose at 14 and are still figuring it out but have an idea on what it is and are just now starting to develop ideas on how to achieve it.

Finding one’s purpose seems like something you can just skip and start making money, skip it and just get to the better parts of getting fit, healthy, whatever it is. Stop and look at all the other times you have tried and didn’t follow through, look at the previous steps you have taken, for what feels like no reason, and zero difference was made in your life today.

Defining one’s purpose is the key to everything moving forward and needs to be taken extremely seriously. Look deep inside you, what makes you tick, what makes you excited, what would get you up in the morning and give you a reason to not hit snooze?


To find your life’s purpose, it takes time, patience, self-reflection, and self-realization. Why do you do the things in life that you do? What makes you want to wake up earlier? What makes you feel like a child and gets you all stoked? When you were a child, what were some of the things you couldn’t wait for or strived for the most?

When we were children, we had no boundaries, no ceilings, the world was our oyster. As we’ve become older, we set limits on ourselves and stop chasing our dreams, to please others or follow the norm. When this happens, you might feel like you are “just getting by” or “waiting for the perfect moment”. If you show up to your job daily and strive only for the paycheck, maybe you are not doing what you love or striving for your life’s purpose. Maybe you are doing it because you must.


If the above is the case, it is time to ask yourself what I really want and what really makes me happy. What is most important to me and how do I make that become reality?


For the first week of exercises I want you to Journal on the following everyday.

  • List (1) thing daily that your child self, would want you to achieve tomorrow or get up and go do.
  • List (1) thing daily that makes you tick.
  • List (1) thing daily that truly motivates you and drives you/makes you strive to become your best self.


  • Something my child self would want me to do is get up and go play hockey. Hockey is what got me out of my head and zoned out. It caused me to get up, move, and do something amazing. I still play hockey constantly so that part of me is fulfilled.
  • One thing my child self would want me to do tomorrow would be taking my family on the vacation of their dreams, all expenses paid. I cannot do that currently due to financials, but I want to and am striving to make that happen.
  • One thing that makes me tick is growth, I absolutely love setting goals, achieving them, and moving my ceiling up and removing my limits. It proves to myself I am capable and can do what I set my mind to. I really enjoy looking back on my life and seeing where I was “x-years ago” to now and it makes me proud of myself.
  • One thing that motivates me is my family, seeing what my family gave up for me. Seeing what they set aside so I could grow up in a good household, doing things I loved, and with love. I want to give my family a great life and give back to them in more ways than they gave to me. I want to be able to do things for them that they have always dreamed of.

Thank you for reading and have a great week!