Have you ever gone for a walk and then felt refreshed? Have you ever worked out and felt energized? Well one of the best things in the world, even though you already know this and maybe haven’t accepted it, is exercise. This can be as simple as a walk or as intense as a 2-hour strength and cardio workout.

When you get your body moving, it increases blood flow, and oxygen intake to your body, especially your brain. It makes you feel refreshed, accomplished, and is going to help you live longer. Getting your mind and body moving helps in the now, but the main benefit is 50 or 60 years into the future. Do you want to be immobile, just sitting there for your last few years on earth or do you want to be out hiking, traveling, moving, and living up your retirement. You worked 20-50 years to get to retirement, why retire and just live your life sitting around waiting for life to end?


During Week #1 you were asked to get up and get moving a little extra. This week the focus is to make moving a priority. Get up and move, get your heart beating, and break a sweat.

I am the epitome of a “body in motion, stays in motion”, “a body at rest, stays at rest”. Once I am up and moving, I feel great and cannot stop. If I lay in bed and watch movies, getting up to do simple things feels impossible.

Sometimes the hardest part is to not overthink the exercise and just do it. If you feel like you can’t do it. Get up, do the workout or go for a walk, or exercise for 2-minutes, and then just stop. Do not continue. This will help show your mind and body that you can do it, you just need to work on your mindset towards continuing.

The Goal is to break a sweat, try to do the workout, walk, or exercise for at least 20-minutes.


You may’ve heard of the term “circadian rhythm” and might know what it is. Essentially the circadian rhythm is what controls your sleep-wake cycles, hormones, body temp., eating and digestion patterns, and mood/alertness. Some people are morning people, some are night owls. This is more than likely because that is how you have been for a long time.  I believe it takes quite a bit of time and effort to change your circadian rhythm, so go with what works with your body and what you have developed for yourself (unless you want to change it).

Personally, I love getting up early, maximizing my morning, then going to sleep early. Then I have no excuses at the end of the day as to why I didn’t work out or didn’t do the things I needed to do.

Find what works with you and your schedule, but whatever you do, be consistent. Don’t wake-up at 5:00am Monday-Friday, then party till 2:00am Saturday morning, and sleep until 2:00pm. Be consistent, setting an exact schedule is extremely difficult, especially right away. Be aware of what you want, what you need to do to achieve your wants, and take action.


Task #1 – Get Moving a minimum of 20-minutes per day. Break a sweat at a minimum.

Task #2 – Reflect Daily, do you feel like you are learning yourself and habits, recognizing things in yourself you didn’t see before?

Task #3 – Write down how you feel prior to your exercise and after your exercise.

Journal on the following everyday :

#1 – List (1) thing daily that you want your life to look at each of the (5) periods you list.

  • Break this down into (5) periods (i.e. 2-years, 5-years, 10-years, 15-years, 25-years).
    • Do what makes sense to you and where you are at in life. (If you are 35, do it over the next 28-years or until retirement).

#2 – List (1) thing daily you want to accomplish this year.

These can be personal, professional, mental, physical, etc.

The point is to look at future you and see where you want to be.


#1 – My defined periods are 2-years, 5-years, 10-years, 20-years, & 23-years

  • At Year #2 – I want to have a solid understanding of how money truly works and investing. Develop a diverse and successful investment portfolio. Also progress in work career and become Senior Project Manager.
  • At Year #5 – I want to have (2) passive side incomes and be financially independent.
  • At Year #10 – I want to be debt free have (5) passive side incomes and be able to provide some family members with great retirement opportunities.

#2 – I want to read a minimum of (24)-books this year, I want to learn and experiment with building websites, apps, and how exactly AI works. I also want to become a member of the 5-AM club, and stop talking myself out of doing things (regretting not taking action).