Growth & Mindset Ceiling

In my recent research and reading I have learned a lot, but one thing that hit home and made a ton of sense is the concept of a “ceiling”. Originally I just thought of the ceiling that is above our heads everywhere we go at stores, home, and even in the car. But what they are referring to is a growth and mindset ceiling. Once I read and understood it made so much sense and I noticed quite a few in my life that I have either removed or currently have in place.

What Does A Growth & Mindset Ceiling Look or Feel Like

Have you ever wanted to go on a 3-mile run really bad, then you start, get to mile 1 or 2, and started to feel real tired and then start walking (essentially let your mind tell you, I am tired slow down)? Do you know why you this happened? This is because you have a ceiling put in place that told you, you can only make it, while running to mile #1 or #2. Somewhere along the way you put this ceiling in place and you didn’t even realize you did it or why it is there.

Looking Back to Last Week

Last week we talked about how bag negative thoughts are and how a positive mindset is key to thriving and living your life. A ceiling is similar to negative thoughts in the sense that when you were a kid you thought anything and everything was possible, you could be an astronaut, own your own company, travel the world, etc. Then as you grew-up, you saw and experienced things that caused you to essentially limit your beliefs, this is when you installed a ceiling in your mind.


Similar to negative thoughts grow “weeds with deep roots” in your habits and brain. With a ceiling, when you go to “break-through” and give-up or stop, that ceiling gets reinforced and harder to remove.

A ceiling is exactly what it sounds like, it is something over your head. Something you cannot go past or through without raising or removing it.

When I learned about ceilings, what they are, and how they affect you, I saw them everywhere, and in so many different forms. You put ceilings in place, without even realizing you are. Lets say growing up you think of a good scenario to put here.

Removing A Ceiling & Why It Is Important

Like I stated above, you might not even realize or understand why a ceiling is in place, but it could be keeping you from living the life you truly want to live. It could be holding you back in ways you never even realized. The first step in getting the ceiling removed is identifying it and understanding the “why it is in place” and “how did it even get established”. The next would be to understand “how it benefits you” once it is removed. That way you can truly and effectively get this ceiling removed. Some might be in place for a great reason, some might be in place and just preventing you becoming your true and maximum self.


This week we want to focus on identifying your what ceilings you have in place, why they are there, and why they were put in place to begin with. Then you can take that information and figure out how it will benefit you in the long run, what it is currently holding you back from, and what needs to be done to get it removed.


For the first week of exercises I want you to Journal on the following everyday.

  • #1 “What are the biggest dreams or goals I’ve ever had, and what reasons have I given myself for not pursuing them fully? Are these reasons external obstacles or internal limitations?”
    Reflect on whether these reasons are genuinely holding you back or if they are excuses masking fear or self-doubt.
  • #2 “In what areas of my life do I feel stuck or stagnant? What patterns, beliefs, or fears might be keeping me from breaking through to the next level?”
    – Examine recurring thoughts, habits, or emotions that signal resistance to change or growth.
  • #2 “If I knew I couldn’t fail and had unlimited resources, what would I do differently starting today? What fears or beliefs surface when I imagine taking those actions?”
    This will help reveal the mental barriers you’ve placed on yourself and how they shape your decisions.


#1 – My biggest goals in life are to own my own my business, create my own destiny, and create additional income/possibilities for myself on many levels.

  • The reasons I have not went after these goals in full force is due to internal factors, imposter syndrome, fear of failure, and fear of the unknown. They are masking self-doubt and insecurities.

#2 – Where I feel stuck/stagnant is the making additional money/income, getting out and meeting new people.

  • Patterns of self-doubt, negative self-talk, and fear of the unknown are holding me back.

#3 – If I could not fail, I would go buy a storefront and start a business. I would start my own true destiny and push myself harder than ever. I still feel fear of self-doubt and insecurities in my self-confidence.

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