Why Are You Here Right Now


Everyone that is reading this post, is reading it for a reason. You more than likely either feel stuck, lost, or broken.

You wonder how it is you got to this point in your life, what brought me here. What have I done over the course of the past “X-Years” and what will the next “X-Years” bring? Everyone has their own path, own purpose, and every decision you have made has brought you to this point in your life.

If you think back, you will realize that as long as you can remember you have been influenced by those around you. Some of the traits you extremely disliked in your parents, might now be a major part of you and influence you more than you realize. Those traits you saw growing up, whether you like it or not, have influenced you in one way or another. Maybe you only eat at home cooked, because growing up all you did was eat out, maybe you hate baseball because your parents forced you to play, etc.

The crazy part is that every person, decision, and moment in your life has brought you here, NOW. The people you met along the way that taught you, good or bad lessons, taught you how to be yourself or to not trust others, everything has shaped you into what you are today.


To kick off this journey, you need to understand yourself. What has influenced you and why, negatively or positively? You need to be okay with and accept yourself, before you can start to change for the better. Before you can start to take steps forward, you need to accept your past, let it go, and start living in the NOW.

For the first week of exercises I want you to Journal on the following everyday.

  • #1 – Think into your past and list/define (1) key moment per day, that you believe has brought you here or changed your life in a key way.
    • Think about things like, when I took “x-job” I then started to do “x” which then caused me to change this about my life.
  • #2 – List (1) thing daily that as a child or young adult, you saw in your parents/friends/family etc. that you thought to yourself, I will never do that because you knew it was a bad habit or something you saw as a flaw. Define this habit/flaw and why you do chose at that point in your life that you would not want it to be apart or define you.

In your journal this week, I also want you to note how you feel each day when you wake up. On a scale of 1-10 (1 being the worst, 10 being the best) how do you feel, mentally, physically, emotionally, etc.


The whole purpose of Week #1 is to get you thinking about yourself, recognizing things/habits, and putting them to paper.

I want you to focus on the following couple of things:

  • Think about yourself, where you are at, and where you want to be.
  • Practice waking up a little earlier each day.
  • Focus on getting yourself moving in the morning or in the afternoons. Take a walk, do some at home workouts, etc. just get moving.
  • Look at your habits, are they good or bad? Take notes of what you like and don’t like.


Here are some of my exercises, to help give you a start or ideas.

#1 – A life changing moment for me was when I moved out of my hometown. I was extremely insecure, had zero self-confidence, and did not believe in myself at all. It changed my life in so many ways. I now have more confidence than ever, I have created more meaningful friendships than I ever thought was possible, and it has caused me to break many barriers I had put in place for myself, that I thought would be there for life.

#2 – A few habits I saw my parents do as a child that I never want to do, but some of them I have are. Chewing tobacco/smoking cigarettes. I saw these as habits my dad was always doing but all he ever said was “I wish I could quit”. So I saw these habits as something I would want to quit at some point. Regret, I saw lots of people in my family not chasing their dreams/desires/adventures due to many random factors, but in the end they regretted missing out on those opportunities that they may never have again. Giving up on things they love. So many people I have met always say “I wish I would’ve stuck with hunting, fishing, camping, hockey, baseball, etc.” (hobbies/things that get you out and moving) because now it is so hard to get back into and I am too out of shape to do it. I saw this as, never stop doing things that I love and always make them a priority and front of mind.